Friday, 29 September 2017

James Dornan SNP MSP Highest Expenses spender in Holyrood

James Dornan at his moronic best   "Children have always cried at School"


SNP Noses deep in the Expenses Trough 

The highest in the city was SNP MSP James Dornan whose total amounted to £116,438, which included almost £79,000 for staff, and almost £12,000 for hotel and travel mostly hotels with the Cathcart MSP spending just under £9000 on hotels in the capital.
Mr Dornan has been the highest claimant before and has put it down to his role as an SNP whip meaning he spends more nights in Edinburgh for early morning meetings.

The lowest bill came from conservative MSP Adam Tomkins who claimed £74,839, including 58,639 for staff, and just under £5000 for hotel and travel.

Full article on link here

Sunday, 24 September 2017

SNP MSP Nicola Sturgeon A weak leader who acts on own emotions and doesn't take responsibility

SNP MSP Nicola Sturgeon Simply acts on her own personal emotions and denies responsibility for failures.

Jim Sillars properly nails Nicola Sturgeon to the Wall here.
"Nicola Sturgeon has got the SNP into a Brexit fankle.
 Her many official statements are based on a false interpretation of the referendum result.
Yes, 1.6million Scots voted for the UK to Remain with the EU, but there is no evidence that they made a side decision for an independent Scotland, through Indyref2, to re-join it, if England, Wales and Northern Ireland left it.
The referendum ballot paper posed a specific question and that alone was the one we answered."

"Having started out on a false premise, her string of claims and demands have exposed someone whose tongue has run way ahead of the brain.
There’s a fatal flaw in the SNP position. It is blind to the real nature of the EU run by an unelected elite who are contemptuous of democracy, and uncaring about people. SNP parliamentarians pour peons of praise on Brussels but never mention Greece and Portugal under their cosh of primitive austerity.
Two weeks ago, Greek police tear-gassed OAPs, who were protesting about yet another cut in pensions by a left-wing government taking instructions from Brussels.
In Portugal, a socialist government has been told to ladle on more misery despite there being 2.6million people in absolute poverty.
Why would the SNP want us to join an outfit who do that to people?
The EU that existed in the 80s, when I fashioned the party’s policy of independence in Europe is no more.
Looking at the EU now, why would the SNP seek to escape from the union with England, then surrender ourselves to a far larger union where, as Germany’s dictation to Greece shows, a small country can be bullied into submission?
Nicola’s position is a mix of confusion and delusion. She harps on about the single market, and does not seem to understand that there is a difference between that and access to the market.
The single market gives access at a price that virtually means staying in because it has rules including public contract procurement and power exercised by the European Court of Justice.
Nicola keeps quiet on the single market rules that forced the Caledonian MacBrayne contract to go out to tender, and stopped the Scottish government making public contracts conditional on the winning company paying the living wage.
Nicola should pay more attention to trade statistics than a daily headline, because whereas the UK exports some £228billion annually to the EU 27, they export £290billion to us, facts that make the chances of a free trade agreement outside single market rules a distinct possibility.
Next time she goes to Berlin and Brussels, she might point out their £62billion trade advantage is not something they should throw away."
Read the rest of the article by clinking on here
Sturgeon Nearly Resigned Over Support For Convicted Fraudster

Making bad decisions by making poor judgement's isn't something new for Sturgeon though she very nearly was forced to resign her position in Holyrood after offering her support to a twice convicted fraudster  see here  and here

Is Sturgeon simply a disaster on judging people characters ? Perhaps Sturgeon simply isn't up to the job ?

"Sturgeonspeak" A guide to ignoring difficult questions 


Why is it everything that Sturgeon and the SNP touch turns into a failure ?

"Scottish ministers admitted last night that a controversial £10bn trade deal with China has collapsed after an insider told The Sunday Times the plug was pulled months ago by a Chinese consortium that described the deal as a “shambles

Read the whole article here

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Friday, 21 April 2017

John Nicolson SNP MP


John Nicolson not ruling out SNP opposition for Tory Grammar Schools in Scotland
John Nicolson AKA  "The Peacock"  who just loves to spend his time preening himself on any lTV programme he can get to appear on . He clearly has no self awareness at all ? Note the Lack of Grey hair in his photos in his office windows ?

Thursday, 23 February 2017

George Adam SNP MP fighting for McDonalds harder than Children's Ward

Another SNP Failure for Scotland.

An SNP MSP has been accused of fighting harder to save a local McDonald’s than a ­children’s ward in his own constituency.
George Adam failed to respond to an NHS consultation on the future of Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, which the health board voted to downgrade on Tuesday.
But he was quick to condemn ­McDonald’s for leaving the High Street days earlier, saying: “I am very disappointed and I will be letting the company know.”
Labour’s Neil Bibby, who is campaigning to keep the ward open, said Adam should have focused on the NHS consultation instead.




Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Kevin Stewart SNP MSP Using the Deception on Scottish Export numbers

Yet another deception from Scotland's most deceitful Political Party. 

It excludes 'exports' to the rest of the UK , why would they do that i wonder ?

From  Scottish Government Website dated  25/01/2017
see link  

Exports to the rest of UK are 4 times larger than Exports to the EU, so why would the SNP  use that deception ?

This was also a Lie used by Johanna Cherry SNP MP on the Daily Sunday Politics show where she lied to Andrew Neil on the Subject as see on this link below.



Sunday, 15 January 2017

SNP MSP Gail Ross Clueless Facebook post on Baby Boxes getting pelter's

Caithness seems to be waking up to useless their SNP Politicians are

 Read this condescending post from Gail Ross lecturiong people on parenthood and how "Baby Boxes" will change everything for the better what an absolute lot of ridiculous rubbish The Woman appears to have lost her grip on reality.


Saturday, 14 January 2017

Gil Paterson SNP MSP Spreads Lies on Social Media

Another either completely Stupid SNP MSP or deliberately spreading Lies, this is NOT the method
used for collecting Export Data, it is done by the Sending Company filling in an HMRC return form  staing the final destination of the items being sent. This Meme is simply pure Lies.


Gil Paterson here deliberately deceiving Scots Voters by quoting the estimated value of Oil in the Ground before the costs of extraction which is absolutely no comparison to what Scot Gov would actually receive which is a tax on any profits from selling Oil on the World Market only AFTER the costs of Extraction and Processing has taken place.

Why do you think would an SNP MSP try to deliberately deceive Voters on this ?
Follow the link for more information on this deceit.


Gil Paterson deliberately trying to spread the misinformation on Scot Gov GERS data

Scotlands "Books" via the HMRC  have been already available for ScotGov to vet and they have been doing so for a long time , long term Nationalist Economist Margaret Cuthbert tells you that right here on this link

and also Cuthbert explains the same thing here

A Holyrood  MSP right here trying to spread the BBC Weathermap conspiracy ?