Unbelievable but true , an elected SNP MSP sharing False information on Twitter to followers for the purpose of spreading Grievance information.
The link to the Blog mentioned is here :-
It's full of misinformation on how VAT is levied and includes imagined "Export Tax" lies.
Why is it that SNP politicians simply go out of their way to lie to Scotland and the Scots electorate ?
"SNP MSP brands BBC Scotland’s flagship current affairs programme “fake news ”
Gordon is also one of many SNP MSP's deliberately spreading Murphy's rubbish
Gordon Macdonald trying to avoid taking responsibility for this High School Closure , Education in Scotland is fully devolved ie all responsibility for this decision lies with no-one else other then the SNP itself ..."Fake News" from another SNP Deceiver of the truth.
Also don't forget that it was the SNP and Greens who recently inflicted £160 million of Council cuts onto every single County Council in Scotland
Information on Whisky Export Tax can be found on this link to Scottish Governments own
Website http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/GERS/queries/008
More information on non existent invented Whisky Export Tax and other non existent Export Tax lies can be found here https://whytepaper.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/meme-busting-whisky-and-the-non-existent-export-duty/
Of course this isn't the first time we have seen SNP MSP's spreading lies like these SNP MSP Joan McAlpine has made a mini industry from doing it too
Stewart Stevenson SNP MSP also was previously caught spreading WingoverScotland's Wee Blue Book lies. http://mspfailureshighlighted.blogspot.com/2016/02/stewart-stevenson-snp-msp-is.html
Christina McKelvie SNP MSP is another follower and spreader of Wingsoverscotlands false propaganda. http://mspfailureshighlighted.blogspot.com/2016/02/christina-mckelvie-snp-msp-beleiver-of.html
The SNP.... a Scottish Political Party that deliberately spreads false information and Lies to Scots and Scotland for Political gain.
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