Tuesday, 15 November 2016

SNP MSP Keith Brown Another SNP MSP "Lying for Scotland"

Actually it does appear that 45% of the Scottish Electorate are very thick indeed,including many SNP Politicians, but this comes as no surprise to the 55% . The SNP just want to destroy Scotland .


Keith Brown had to be briefed on the work of HIE board weeks after he had revealed plans to scrap it.

"A senior SNP minister had “little awareness” of how the organisation tasked with boosting the Highland economy works as he prepared to water it down"
It confirms that instead of bothering to take the time to understand the organisation he had simply set his sights on centralising it.
“SNP ministers have had a howler. Their centralisation policy is deeply unpopular across the Highlands and islands. It was rejected by parliament."
“Now we know he didn’t even know the basics of what this organisation does.

The ‘we know best approach’ of SNP ministers has been well and truly debunked.

Keith Brown telling lies by trying to spin the Scottish Budget at Increase when in fact every council in Scotland is facing cuts to their grants made by the SNP and Green Parties. This all despite increase Council Taxes. Scots are being hit hard in their pockets https://whytepaper.wordpress.com/2017/02/02/scottish-greens-and-local-govt-cuts/
Yet more Lies from an SNP MSP 

Keith Brown clearly another SNP Politician only too willing to Lie to the Scots Nation.

Doesn't Keith Brown SNP MSP understand this ? 

It's pretty clear. Just More Lies from the SNP.
EU list can be also see on this link .

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Fulton MacGregor "No Show" SNP MSP for Coatbridge & Chryston

"AFTER finding fame as the most debate-averse candidate of the election, the SNP’s Fulton ‘No Show’ MacGregor continues to live down to his reputation. Besides being MSP for Coatbridge & Chryston, No Show is also a North Lanarkshire councillor. Not that you’d know it from his workload, mind you. Despite continuing to draw a councillor’s wage as a ‘double jobber’, he has cancelled all his council surgeries for June. Is No Show becoming No Shame?"

Read more here  http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14522461.Unspun__SNP__39_s_pretend_plank_politico_lands_new_gig/?ref=twtrec 


A grown up man here  harping on about "Freedom"  ? 
In what way are Scots not in any way "Free".   Only Scots Voted NO.




Saturday, 23 July 2016

Gordon Macdonald MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands misleading the Public on VAT and Export Taxes

Unbelievable but true , an elected SNP MSP  sharing False information on Twitter to followers for the purpose of spreading Grievance information.

The link to the Blog mentioned is here :-

It's full of misinformation on how VAT is levied and includes imagined "Export Tax" lies. 


Why is it that SNP politicians simply go out of their way to lie to Scotland and the Scots electorate ? 
"SNP MSP brands BBC Scotland’s flagship current affairs programme “fake news

Gordon is also one of many SNP MSP's deliberately spreading Murphy's rubbish

Gordon Macdonald trying to avoid taking responsibility for this High School Closure , Education in Scotland is fully devolved ie all responsibility for this decision lies with no-one else other then the SNP itself ..."Fake News" from another SNP Deceiver of the truth.

Also don't forget that it was the SNP and Greens who recently inflicted £160 million of Council cuts onto every single County Council in Scotland 

Information on Whisky Export Tax can be found on this link to Scottish Governments own 
Website http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/GERS/queries/008

More information on non existent invented Whisky Export Tax and other non existent Export Tax lies can be found here https://whytepaper.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/meme-busting-whisky-and-the-non-existent-export-duty/


Of course this isn't the first time we have seen SNP MSP's spreading lies like these SNP MSP Joan McAlpine has made a mini industry from doing it too

Stewart Stevenson SNP MSP also was previously caught spreading WingoverScotland's Wee Blue Book lies. http://mspfailureshighlighted.blogspot.com/2016/02/stewart-stevenson-snp-msp-is.html

Christina McKelvie SNP MSP is another follower and spreader of Wingsoverscotlands false propaganda. http://mspfailureshighlighted.blogspot.com/2016/02/christina-mckelvie-snp-msp-beleiver-of.html 

The SNP.... a Scottish Political Party that deliberately spreads false information and Lies to Scots and Scotland for Political gain.





Friday, 27 May 2016

Nicola Sturgeon ? An honest and trustworthy Politician ?

Nicola Sturgeon says "Not "right for any politician to dictate to a country what its future should be"  The SNP cult doesn't even see its own Hypocrisy.  more on this link

New FOI confirms that Sturgeon lied about 50p rate and tax avoidance


Blog explaining Sturgeons Lie to Andrew Neil on TV here

So Much for Nicola Sturgeon then ? Just as big a liar as Her predecessor


See Link here https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon-blamed-as-unfilled-nursing-jobs-break-records-1-4696076

"Nicola Sturgeon Blamed as unfilled Nursing places break all records "

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of a “spectacular error of judgment” for cutting the number of student nurses while Health Secretary, quadrupling the number of unfilled nursing posts and putting NHS staff under unprecedented pressure.

Announcing a cut of 300 Student Nursing places in 2012 Sturgeon said the reduction was "A sensible way forward "  ....Supposedly "Better for Scotland " ? When is the Scots nation going to finally wake up to the fact the SNP is full of useless , incompetent fools and liars ?

Nicola Sturgeon knows she can't railroad Brexit so why is she misleading public and putting Indy in jeopardy ? Asks Jim Sellars.


Yet just the usual lies from Sturgeon, why won't she tell Scots the real Truth on how much Independence will hit their and their families pockets in the way of higher Taxes and more service cuts ?

This demonstrates just how despicable Nicola Sturgeon is by "Retweeting" and pointing to an untrue comment she knows very well is simply made by one of her very own SNP propaganda front "Business for Scotland" operatives and is worth absolutely nothing. It's just despicable worthless propaganda, that she now needs to try to spread to cover up for her own failing administration. "Business for Scotland " has been widely exposed as an SNP front to spread made up false propaganda stories to help the SNP win power, no more than a vehicle to dispense lies and invented false propaganda yet here she is seen openly promoting an example their dirty work.
Read about the SNP propaganda front on the link below.


 Sturgeon knows that she would most likely lose an second Indyref as the polls indicate that the tide has turned against Scots wanting a second referendum, she doesn't want a second referendum just now at all but only wants to shout about not being able allowed to have one just for propaganda purposes.(see here)  How much longer till Scots see through the SNP lies and attempts at  manipulation of a nation through deliberate misinformation ? 
Support for a second Indyref has been slipping, which Sturgeon knows. See link below


Sturgeon's Provo Princess pal loses job and gets barred from the Classroom

Two clips on this link of Sturgeon speaking on the same subject , she clearly has to be blatantly lying on at least one of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dmxBiP7s8E&feature=youtu.be

So is she an honest and trustworthy Politician or not ?

Here is Sturgeon lying about closing Ayr Hospital Children's Ward , Honest  ? No , not at all.


I particularly remember her nasty campaign against the late Sam Galbraith when the Scottish Qualifications Authority ran into difficulties which no minister could have pre-empted, unless he had gone around searching bureaucrats’ cupboards and computers.Sam was having a much-needed holiday with us in Lewis when the problems emerged. He rushed back and worked day and night to ensure that no Scottish school leaver was disadvantaged by what had happened within his area of responsibility – all the time accompanied by Sturgeon’s demands that he should “go now”.

Then as now, all that mattered to her were the politics of opportunism.
Full Article here http://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/in-full/brian-wilson-stop-the-indyref2-long-game-fix-scotland-1-4463760

Sturgeon uses her very own "Project Fear" when it suits Her scheming.



SNP MSP Ashten Regan-Denham Another "Left Wing" pretender and promise breaker

Another Hypocrite SNP Minister from the say one thing but do another party. 

"SNP MSP Ashten Regan-Denham, who was elected to represent Edinburgh Eastern, came under scrutiny during the campaign for sending her twins to a fee-paying institution despite presenting herself as a staunch left-winger.
Read the full story from link below

And on 1st June 2016 breaking her very own "Vote No to Fracking" Vows after only 27 days in office.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Gillian Martin SNP MSP

Why do sacked SNP's always try to blame other people for their own bad behaviour and personal action's ? http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/16837078.sacked-snp-education-minister-suggests-she-was-victim-of-game-playing/

New SNP education minister Gillian Martin mocked ‘hairy knuckled’ trans students.

The SNP’s new education minister mocked transgender students and asked whether efforts to promote their rights would lead to “hairy knuckled lipstick-wearing transitional Laydees” appearing in colleges.


New SNP MSP Gillian Martin  makes idiot of herself and shows what a Hypocrite she is swearing allegiance to the Queen.

Emma Harper SNP MSP

New SNP MSP Emma Harper makes idiot of herself swearing allegiance to the Queen

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Fiona Hyslop SNP MSP , Twice accused of being a failure as an MSP.

More evidence of Nepotism and Failure of proper levels of Financial Governance from an SNP MSP which meant Scottish Taxpayers money being passed to the owners of a very profitable company for no reason reason apart from "favours" within an SNP clique.

Fiona Hyslop wasn't held properly responsible for this fiasco as it was investigated and essentially covered up by the SNP dominated comittee doing the investigation into it. In most cases this sort of failure should have meant the Minister having to resign ...but not within the SNP "Family". 
Spain Has Hit Back At The Scottish Government After It Backed A Catalonian Referendum.

Fiona Hyslop once again interfering in International matters that don't concern the Scottish Government and shown that her interference is flawed and factually wrong (again).

"The Scottish government's statement suggested that Catalonia's right to self-determination was "enshrined in the United Nations charter" – the set of rules which each member of the UN signs up to – but the spokesperson said Hyslop had misunderstood that section of the charter."

"Spain cannot apply the United Kingdom’s solution for the Scottish issue: our historical origins and our legal-political systems are different," said a spokesperson for Spain's ministry of foreign affairs. "Spain has a written constitution, submitted to the vote of all Spaniards in 1978 and approved by 87.7% (and 91.4% of the Catalonian voters), which makes the rules of the game clear.
"The Spanish constitution enshrines the Spanish nation as a political and social reality prior to the constitution itself. Therefore, national unity is the basis of our constitution. There are established procedures to amend the constitution. Therefore, in our legal framework, a referendum in the form proposed by the United Kingdom to Scotland would only be possible if the constitution were amended.
"The British case is an exception to an overwhelming majority of written constitutions that do not recognise this possibility. Recent judicial decisions in Germany and Italy have underlined the same constitutional approach as Spain. More concretely, according to Germany’s Supreme Court 'there is no room under the constitution for individual states to attempt to secede'."

Scottish culture secretary accused over T in the Park subsidy
Scottish culture secretary accused of preposterous claims about BBC spending
This wasn't the first time Fiona Hyslops ability and suitablity to be  Scottish Government minister had come into question as she had been previously sacked by Alex Salmond from her position as Education Minister due to her alleaged "incompetance" and yet here she is , still hanging on in the SNP "family" run Scottish Government once again as a highly paid MSP after a second Failure.

Alex Salmon  has demoted one of his most criticised ministers and taken command of the campaign for an independence referendum in a bid to reassert his authority after one of his rockiest periods as first minister.
In a sudden switch of portfolios this morning, Salmond removed Fiona Hyslop from her post as education secretary after months of intensifying attacks on her competence and on Scottish National party education policy by opposition leaders.


And yet despite her incompetence the rest of the SNP first tried to defend her but bottled out following through on its own threats to all resign in support of her after all.

But all his approaches were rejected and Labour decided to call Mr Salmond’s bluff over his resignation threat by backing the Liberal Democrat motion.

In a sign of his weakness, following a series of opinion polls showing falling support for the SNP, he decided not to risk standing down and sacked Miss Hyslop instead.

